About Me

Hi, I’m Nichola;
Wife, Mum, Nana, dog lover, vibe curator, love celebrator and official party starter!
I’m a proud Mancunian (hence the nod to my roots with the little bee buzzing around) but alas, I don’t have a Champagne Super Nova or the accent! I love to travel both near and far, enjoying new experiences.
I adore rummaging around flea markets finding vintage treasures to re-purpose. I’m in my element shopping for cushions and candles and I’m always decorating some part of my home.
I like to pretend that I am good at crafting and often keep random objects ‘just in case’. My favourite place in my home is my office (handy as I spend a LOT of time in there!) which also doubles as my craft space so I am surrounded all day by my glittery knick-knacks (or ‘tut’ as my husband calls it!) I’m sure I was a magpie in another life!

I am very lucky that I have spent decades working in the Wedding Industry which I love. Having planned hundreds of weddings at some gorgeous venues, I soon realised the only part of the day we couldn’t personalise was the ceremony, in my opinion the most important part.
I became totally bored hearing the same script over and over; zero fun, zero romance and zero personality! I then witnessed a Celebrant ceremony and knew in that instant things were about to change for me. After some super-duper training and fuelled by hard work and passion, Bespoke Celebrant Ceremonies was created in 2015.
After several very busy years juggling both jobs I took the plunge and became a full-time Wedding Celebrant and I have never looked back! I am privileged to have been chosen by so many couples to be a part of their special day, receiving some great reviews and winning several fancy dancy awards along the way.

I love to get dressed up and go out, enjoy good music and even better company and I love to laugh. I’m a keen G&T sipper and am partial to a good cocktail, even comparing myself to a good mixology;

- One part spicy spirit
- One part creator
- One part traditionalist
- Add a pinch of joker and a dash of sass
- Topped up with lots of fizz
- Perfectly garnished with lots of humour and a fun zest for life!
Am I your perfect pairing?